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Jellyfish Plastics by ReMida

is a Precious Plastics-inspired plastic reuse project.

Jellyfish Plastics by REmida est. 2018, is a Precious Plastics inspired model of community-based plastics reuse. Our project focuses on transforming plastic bottle caps into other, beautiful objects . Each time you buy an item from Jellyfish Plastics, you are preventing plastic lids from entering the environment. The JellyFish Plastics ethos states that plastic waste is a societal concern, and solutions must be accessible where people live, work and play.  Jellyfish Plastics aims to create and inspire solutions. ​When we look at plastic waste differently, we create opportunities for change in attitudes and behaviours.  When we see plastic waste as having an intrinsic value we spark creative opportunities and solutions.

The poem 'The Immortal Jellyfish and the Unexpected Twist' is an original work that captures the heart of the project and has become a key part of how we express our vision and mission.

We keep the process simple, it's  just...

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Bottle tops are sorted into colours and shredded in our granulator.





Using a sandwich press or a household oven, the granules are heated until they melt.  



The flat sheets are shaped using simple moulds such as bowls and plates.  

But is it...


That easy?

Yes, the most time-consuming part is cleaning and sorting the lids.



Any craft process that involves heat and melting materials requires some basic precautions. But this is something you can do at home, school or work.

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Only granules

No, you can use lids as they are, it just changes the process a bit.


Creating waste?

The items we make can come back into the process and be re-made into other items if they break, or if you're switch things up a bit.

Product Highlight

We are excited to announce that we are offering a selection from our First Gen product line. These limited edition items each come with a commerative certificate that indicates their number within the series.

The proceeds from the sales go towards purchasing a new injection mould unit and the associated moulds, which will help boost the projects ability to divert even more plastic bottle caps from landfills.

Each item in this first release is a distinct, handmade piece, created as part of our intial product run. Items can be purchased  through the store and either collected from ReMida our shipped to you for an additional fee.

Perpetual Plastics is the name of our product range, beautiful and purposeful items made from repurposed plastic bottle caps.


SECOND Edition Coming Soon

Start your own Plastic Repurposing Hub

Starting your own plastic repurposing hub at home, school, or with a group of friends is easy. The Team from JFP ReMida can answer questions, lend their expertise and connect you with other hubs around Perth. There are different ways to start your own plastic-reuse project, if you have any questions or ideas, please get in touch. ​ A self-directed community-based Initiative: these hubs function as either volunteer-led or social enterprises/micro-businesses; this model is well-suited for organised groups keen to pursue a longer-term community initiative. A community networked hub: these hubs generally consist of community groups, schools, local businesses etc., who are working together to share resources and may function on a more casual or ad hoc basis. A Third-Party Hub: In collaboration with REmida Perth, a group can work towards developing its own self-sustaining hub. ​There are some common features to each of these hubs that form the core of t he Jellyfish Plastics Initiative: Each hub is encouraged to develop its own identity that reflects the needs/personalities of its local community Jellyfish Plastics is an open-sourced initiative; each hub is encouraged to shared its intellectual property, experiences and learning with other groups in the network. For hubs that would like to retain a direct link with the Jellyfish Plastics Initiative, we ask that your ethos reflects the Jellyfish Plastics Philosophy. While Jellyfish Plastics is an open-sourced initiative, it is always appreciated when acknowledging other people's contributions. ​Jellyfish Plastics is a "why" concept that encourages creative approaches to developing plastic-wise communities. If you are interested in learning more or are unsure where to start, email for more information.

Not sure where to start? That's ok, we've got you covered. Try one of our Quests to help get underway... Quest 1. First Steps Details: It can be hard to know the best way to start your plastic-wise journey, the aim of the First Steps quest is to help you become aware of how much plastic you use/dispose of on a weekly basis. What you need: A way to track the different types of plastic you encounter on a day-today basis, that you discard after it has been opened/used; the notes function on a phone or tablet can be a good way to track Time frame: 2-4 weeks is a good way to window to get a sense of which plastics you encounter regularly. Celebrate your wins: When you have completed the quest, post your results on the Jellyfish Plastics Facebook page, or send us an email and we can include your results as part of our monthly blog. Quest 2. Pick a Plastic Details: Identify a plastic that you use/dispose of regularly, make a plan to either: •Stop using/buying that item. •Find a plastic substitute. •Reduce how often you buy/use that plastic. •Find a creative way to re-use the plastic. Set your self a target and then keep yourself accountable by either sharing your quest with friends, or posting the details on the Jellyfish Plastics facebook page. What you need: Take time to develop a plan and test its effectiveness, i.e. you may not be able to eliminate using the plastic item so substitution may be the best option.make sure to record how you go through the quest, there may be other plastics that you eliminate along the way. Time frame: Initially, see how you go over a two week period and then assess from there. If you have eliminated your use of the plastic altogether, try moving onto another type of plastic. Celebrate your wins: When you have completed the quest, post your results on the Jellyfish Plastics Facebook page, or send us an email and we can include your results as part of our monthly blog. Quest 3. Build a Team Details: Get a group of 3 or more friends, co-workers, neighbours or plastic-wise enthusiasts together and develop a shared plastic re-use quest; the aim here is to find a creative way to re-use a plastic item that can't be recycled via existing processes. What you need: Essentially, what you need is the time and interest to work together towards a common goal. This quest works well for a classroom or office where people are connected on a regular basis. Time frame: Work through your timeframes as a team, they need to realistic for everyones time, effort and energy levels. Celebrate your wins: Once you have achieved your goal, don't forget to celebrate your achievements as a group. When you have completed the quest, post your results on the Jellyfish Plastics Facebook page, or send us an email and we can include your results as part of our monthly blog. Quest 4. Change a Habit Details: A key philosophy of Jellyfish plastics is the acceptance that plastic waste is a behaviour and that behaviours can change. Buying spring water, take our meals, plastic bags and mobile phone covers/accessories are all items that are often discarded with very little thought. The aim of the challenge is to identify a plastic behaviour that you can either change, eliminate or significantly reduce. What you need: The most important step here is to have a plan to avoid substituting one disposal or hard to recycle plastic for another. Take some time to work through the logistics of changing the behaviour and then take action. Time frame: Set a realistic time frame based on how often you currently use the plastic and the role it plays in your day-to-day life. Celebrate your wins: When you have completed the quest, post your results on the Jellyfish Plastics Facebook page, or send us an email and we can include your results as part of our monthly blog. Quest 5. Jellyfish@School Details: Work together as a class or whole school to identify an opportunity to become more plastic-wise, this could involve recycling plastics, finding creative re-use options or working towards becoming a plastic free classroom. REmida Perth is a great resource if you are looking for re-use options, or if you would like to link the quest to STEAM focus across a term or semester. What you need: This will depend on the type of quest you develop, take some time to plan the way forward and then get your resources together. Time frame: Set an achievable timeframe based on the complexity of the quest and the time you have to invest on the project. Celebrate your wins: Don't forget to work out what success looks like, and have a way to both measure and celebrate your success. When you have completed the quest, post your results on the Jellyfish Plastics facebook page, or send us an email and we can include your results as part of our monthly blog. Quest 6. Jellyfish@Work Details: Work together as an office, department or organisation to identify an opportunity to become more plastic-wise, this could involve recycling plastics, finding creative re-use options or working towards becoming a plastic free classroom. REmida Perth is a great resource if you are looking for re-use options. What you need: This will depend on the type of quest you develop, take some time to plan the way forward and then get your resources together. Time frame: Set an achievable timeframe based on the complexity of the quest and the time you have to invest on the project. Celebrate your wins: Don't forget to work out what success looks like, and have a way to both measure and celebrate your success. When you have completed the quest, post your results on the Jellyfish Plastics facebook page, or send us an email and we can include your results as part of our monthly blog.


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