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A Jellyfish and a Bin Chicken Cross the Road?

Jellyfish Plastics began in 2018 with the support of a Waste Authority grant and a bunch of hard work from everyone involved. Over the last few years, work on Jellyfish Plastics has continued, although it is not always the most visible Project at ReMida.

There are three main aspects to the Project:

1.   Jellyfish Plastics is the name of the overarching Project and covers all its activities.

2.  The Bin Chicken Recyclers was the name given to the first community-based plastic repurposing hub launched in 2019. We created a separate identity for the hubs because we wanted groups to take their Project in a direction that best met their vision and goals. Since 2019, Jellyfish Plastics has helped the Durham Rd School and Aspiri Primary School establish their own independently running plastic hubs.

3.   Perpetual Plastics is a newer concept and is the brand associated with the items we make through Jellyfish Plastics. The idea behind Pertual Plastics is to help people connect the item they are buying (or making themselves) with the underlying ethos of Jellyfish Plastics.

Jellyfish Plastics is the idea; Perpetual Plastics are the products. And anyone can become a Bin Chicken Recyclers Hub.

Launching a Bin Chicken Recyclers Hub is very straightforward. For schools, you may take a greater interest in plastic recycling and become more vigilant in what plastics you use and how they are recycled or reused. There are also some simple ways to repurpose plastic bottle caps without investing in a dedicated set of machines. The same approach works for community groups or even an office building or department. An easy way to start is to set yourself a plastics challenge of rehoming any plastic lids you generate as waste, such as donating them to Bottle Top Hill, Jellyfish Plastics, or your local school (but make sure they need them first). Once you’ve got that dialled in, there is always the opportunity to take on new challenges or to become more creative in how plastics are repurposed in your context.

Where can I buy some of the fantastic things you’ve made to support the Jellyfish Plastics Project? I’m glad you asked.

We are trialing a new addition to ReMida’s online shop, traditionally the home of ReMida memberships. A limited-edition selection from our First Generation of melts is available, and each item is beautifully distinct. The aim is to see how the shop goes hosting a product line and if it is something our community is keen to support. The proceeds from the sales go back into Jellyfish Plastics and help us support other groups to become Bin Chicken Recyclers.

Our goals for 2024 are:

1.  Make Jellyfish Plastics more visible.

2. Continue to explore new and purposeful products through the Perpetual Plastics brand.

3.  Help more schools and groups become Bin Chicken Recyclers.

4.  Raise funds and purchase a new injection moulder.

But wait, isn’t there enough plastic in the world? Yes, there certainly is. Jellyfish Plastics repurposes existing plastic bottle caps into beautiful, purposeful items. When these items break, or if you have decided it’s time they are transformed or rehomed, they can return to Jellyfish Plastics and be remade into new items. There is never any reason for a Perpetual Plastics item to reach landfill; hence, it is perpetual in Perpetual Plastics. If you have any questions, click us at, or check out Jellyfish Plastics | REmida WA or find us on Facebook Jellyfish Plastics by REmida | Facebook.

So, why did the Jellyfish and the Bin Chicken cross the road?

I don’t know, but how else will they get a coffee?

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23 avr.

I can’t wait to see some of the products from Perpetual Plastics!!

Aspiri Primary would be happy to support any schools out there that would like to become a Bin Chicken Recyclers hub.

A new injection mould?! I think you need a modular brick mould to make raised garden beds all across Perth 🧡

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